Daily Life

13 Resolutions Towards Happiness in 2013

2013 is bound to be an interesting year for our family. We have a lot going on in our life right and and are making some important plans for our future. It all has me thinking about how I see myself and who I want to be in a year. Lately, I have felt pretty stressed out, so I want this year to be about enjoying life, being healthy, and doing things that make me happy.

Here is my list of 13 goals for 2013:

1. Do one fun thing without the kids each month. Grocery shopping doesn’t count!

2. Continue to meal plan at least 3x a week with healthy recipes in an effort to achieve a healthier weight.

3. Print our 2010 family book (already designed) and design and print our 2011 and 2012 family books, plus William’s birth story book.

4. Take a family portrait in front of our house, in the driveway, with Maya in the picture. We have never had a portrait session with our dog, and I want one. She will be 10 this year, so it’s a great excuse to celebrate with a family portrait.

5. Get together with friends whom I haven’t done a good job of keeping in touch with over the past year or so.

6. Read 50+ books this year – and at least ONE great non-fiction book. I’m not a big non-fic reader and love fluffy fiction, so I want to try to break the mold!

7. Have more patience. Dealing with 2 children can be really hard sometimes, and it’s much easier to lose your patience over little things. I don’t like who I am when I act that way, so I want to make an effort to be better.

8. Get out of the house more often as a family. Do more things together. Plan outings to some of our favorite spots as well as places we’ve never been before (like that Airboat ride we keep saying we want to take one day or some of the museums).

9. Use my iPhone less. As everyone in my life knows, my phone might as well be surgically attached to my hand. There are times that deserve my full attention, so I really need to learn to put my phone down and enjoy the moment.

10. Do one thing each week to strive towards organization in my home, life, or business.

11. Continue to purge things we don’t use or need. Give things we don’t want anymore away to the needy, sell them, or just throw them away!

12. Photograph everything. Try to use my 5D Mark III more for personal stuff in addition to the business.

13. On the business end, only take jobs that make me happy. No more accepting big jobs that I know will do nothing but stress me out. I’m at a point in my life where I have the rare opportunity to enjoy what I’m doing 100% – I should be taking full advantage of that.

These little boys are all that matters and my #1 priority. Above all, my resolution is to be the best mommy that I can be to them this year so that they can have wonderful times together and be filled with love.

south florida family and child photographer

2 thoughts on “13 Resolutions Towards Happiness in 2013

  1. Great resolutions! I especially love that you want a family picture with Maya. We’ve taken two family pictures with Liam and I always wonder if the photographer is laughing at us (on the inside of course) because we are crazy dog people. But it is true, we are crazy dog people.

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