
Some new milestones

Here are a few things that Zachary has been up to just in the past couple of days alone!

First of all, he started crawling! Adrian and I returned from a trip to Chicago shooting a wedding and found out that our baby was basically crawling. He gets better at it every day! This happened two days before he hit seven months.

One thing Zachary loves is standing. He has never tried to walk before (ie, putting one foot in front of the other while being held up by one of us), but yesterday morning, Adrian was holding him up with his hands, and he began to take steps. He “walked” all over the room with Daddy’s assistance! It was adorable.

Then, last night we went to visit my grandma and help her with the computer. She and I played with Zachary while Adrian worked on the computer. 🙂 At one point, Zachary got very fussy. He could see Adrian working in the next room and wanted him to come over. Finally, he said “Da-da-da!” Adrian came to pick Zachary up and he had the huuuuuugest smile on his face! It was adorable. He was so happy, he stopped fussing, and he cuddled with his daddy while Adrian finished up with the computer.

Zachary is also learning how to self-feed. I look forward to him trying new finger foods in a month or so, when he’s a little more coordinated, but for now he enjoys stuffing Gerber Puffs in his mouth. 🙂

It’s so amazing how quickly a baby learns how to do things! I’m sure I’ll look back on this post one day when he can do everything and be amazed at how wondrous everything seemed to be!

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